Understanding what you want and your true dreams are tough enough. Life would certainly be easier if there was a guidebook that could point us in the direction of realizing our dreams. However, what happens when you realize what you truly want? Realizing your ideal career or an idea that you want to pursue is just the beginning. Actually going after your dream is the beginning of an exciting but scary journey that will change your life. Hopefully my lessons on what to expect when pursuing your dream will help to encourage you to continue moving forward.
1. It’s okay to be a learner. You may be an expert at what you decide to do or maybe you’ve had a lifelong interest in your project. However, trying to make your dream a reality may help you realize that there is much you still have to learn. For instance, maybe you want to start your own home-based bakery. You have the right space to do this, the time, understand the financial implications and have a great skill for baking. However, there is so much more you will need to learn to successfully start your own bakery that go beyond what you currently know.
Allow yourself to be in a position of learning and making mistakes. You will take less pressure off yourself when you accept that you don’t know everything. Depending on your dream you may need to go to college, pursue studies outside of work, obtain certifications, invest in some books or reach out to other experts for advice.
You may feel a little insecure or ignorant as you go about the process of achieving your dream. You will likely encounter other experts who have more experience than you. Remember that we all have to start somewhere. This is your starting place and the beginning of an amazing journey to achieve your dreams.
2. It’s okay to be scared. I wish I could tell you that negative thoughts may not cloud your mind, but you will be hit with some scary thoughts every so often. As each setback occurs, you may experience some self-doubt and fears that you may not achieve your dream, that you will fail or that you are making the biggest mistake of your life. You will be scared at times, but that’s okay. Why is that okay? Because you can and will survive. When facing fear, find the inspiration to keep going. Your inspiration may come in the form of reaching out to a support network, taking time to relax and get a break or even reaching out to subject matter experts for advice on the next rational step to take in your journey.
Just remember that being scared isn’t a sign that something is going wrong or that you are making a horrible decision. Being scared is a normal response when your journey isn’t going the way you expected it to or when you face uncertainty.
3. Celebrate the small successes. Achieving your dream will rarely go the way you expect it to. There will be failures, mistakes and there will also be things that go wonderfully. At times you may feel like you are on a rollercoaster as something goes perfectly and then a few days later, something goes off track. The best thing to do is keep your head up and celebrate the small successes.
For instance, writing on this blog can be difficult at times. It can be easy to fall into focusing on the negatives and not celebrating the small successes that have occurred from writing regularly about topics that I am passionate about. However, when I celebrate my successes, I can identify the ways in which things are moving forward with this project. You may not even be noticing the successes. For instance, maybe at the beginning of your project you were a complete novice and knew next to nothing about what you were doing. Now you have the knowledge necessary to make your project a reality. That transition may have been subtle enough for you to not have realized that learning new skills for your dream is actually a real milestone.
Notice all the successes from pursuing your dreams and be appreciative of them.
4. Quitting may be a temptation at times. There will be times when you just want to give up. After months of dedicating your time, money and energy into a project you may just want to give up and settle for something more secure. You may get tired of constantly trying to move your project forward. The best way to handle this temptation is to try and avoid quitting as much as possible. Don’t get me wrong, there are situations where you may need to quit or take a break until you can fully commit to your project. However, there are likely tons of solutions you can consider before giving up.
Maybe you need to get a business partner so less of the load is on you. If finances are becoming an issue, maybe you could consider getting a part-time job rather than committing to full-time at the moment. Perhaps you are investing too much on your own and need to raise money to get to the next milestone. You may need to reassess your plan for your dream. Often times quitting can feel tempting because we only see one or two ways we should be doing things. When those one or two things don’t work out as expected, you may feel like your dream is a failure. That is likely not the case. There may be other ways of pursuing your dream that you have not explored yet. Sometimes you may just need a break rather than completely giving up on your idea. Even taking a week off from a project can give you the mental space to clear your head and re-focus yourself back on the project.
Also continue to be realistic about what may happen after quitting a project. Often times the temptation to quit can be a reflection of wanting to avoid failure. You may end up feeling like you will feel more secure and happier in a full-time position at a company than pursuing your own business. You might feel that giving up on a book you want to write will make you feel more content. Quitting a project can leave an empty space. Remember that when you quit you are making the choice to give up on a dream that may lead to more satisfaction.
5. Your support group may change. Sadly, not everybody will understand or support your dreams. You may notice that some of your friends will become unsupportive and even pointing out all the ways you have failed or all the mistakes you may make. At the same time, you will meet new people who will understand and support your dreams. These friends may even offer support, services and advice to help you stay true to your dreams. That’s okay. You don’t have to end your friendships with the people who aren’t as supportive as you had hoped they would be. Just keep your head up and accept that you don’t need their approval. At the same time, nourish the relationships that are supportive of your dreams. Accept the help that is given to you. Take advice from your friends. Ask for support when things get really tough.
6. You’ll realize you can survive. Pursuing your dream will require you to step out of your comfort zone. You will be taking risks and even adjusting your lifestyle. You might have to cut down on some social commitments to fully commit to finishing your book. Investing in a new business may require that you make some sacrifices within your lifestyle so that you can have some financial security. Pursuing a dream allows you to realize that you will be okay regardless of what happens. You have the skills necessary to ensure that your basic needs are met.
7. The experience will be amazing. Pursuing a dream is exciting, wonderful and you will likely wonder why you didn’t start earlier. I cannot tell you if your dream will work out in the way you imagine it to but I can tell you that the risk is definitely worth taking. Even if things do not work out as you hope, you may end up on a better path than you anticipated by pursuing your dream. Take the risk and keep going. You will be okay. You will survive. I can guarantee that you will learn a great deal about yourself and your dream by moving forward. Invest in yourself and in your dream and see what happens!
In what ways are you pursuing your dreams? What are the challenges you have faced and how have you overcome them to continue moving forward in your journey?