From a very young age, many of us are encouraged to find our passion. As a child we are asked what we want to be when we group up. Throughout adolescence we are encouraged to find that one thing we love. As a young adult the pressure to find a passion and ensure your career…
Category: Uncategorized
Steps For When You Feel Unsure About Yourself
Have you ever had those moments where you feel unsure about what you are doing with your life and the best way to move forward? I know I have. There are many periods in my life where I feel stuck and completely unsure of what I’m doing. I even look back at my life and…
Things To Remember When Pursuing Your Dreams
Understanding what you want and your true dreams are tough enough. Life would certainly be easier if there was a guidebook that could point us in the direction of realizing our dreams. However, what happens when you realize what you truly want? Realizing your ideal career or an idea that you want to pursue is…
Why It Is Okay To Not Have Your Life Figured Out
Feeling like you don’t have your life figured out, can happen anytime in your life. Even when you feel like you have a handle on life and know your journey, things can happen that make you reflect and realize that you want different things in life. Sometimes you know there’s something you want in life…
Positive Affirmations To Help Heal A Broken Heart
Below are some positive affirmations to help you heal your broken heart. The one thing you must give your heart is time. A broken heart may not heal overnight, in several weeks and may take months. Positive affirmations help you cope with the pain and realize that even though you are hurting right now, your…
How to Nurture Your Soul
A few months ago I had this realization that I may not be nurturing my soul enough. In other words, I haven’t been prioritizing my own happiness in the ways that I need to. Many of you may be able to relate to this feeling. Work, children and other responsibilities tend to take precedence over…
Tips To Develop Mental Strength
Recently I completed a 12 day trek to Everest Base Camp Trek which was incredible. Before the trip I was worried about how strong and fit I was to successfully complete the trip. In general, I felt comfortable with my overall fitness levels and didn’t struggle with the hiking aspect of the trip. However, much…
Ways To Stop Worrying
Recently, I’ve been discussing the future and all the worries that go along with it with my friends. I love discussing the present state of the world and the possibilities of what could happen in the future, but sometimes focusing too much on what could happen can make myself and others feel like the future…
Ways To Feel Less Ashamed By Your Family
Some of us are in situations where we feel embarrassed or ashamed by our families. Sure, many of us felt embarrassed by our family while growing up in secondary school but what if that embarrassment and shame stays with us during adulthood? You might come from a family of poverty and although your lifestyle and…
Why Quiet Time Is Important
The past few months I’ve been making it a habit to get up a few hours before I need to go to work. I’m not always successful with getting up early in the morning but most days I’m making it happen. While fixing up a pot of tea this morning, I had a realisation of…